Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Low quality homes & the housing crisis.

Young family outside starter home in Levittown, USA, 1950.


If the objective of dealing with the housing crisis is simply to try get as many people into homes they can afford in the shortest amount of time, then “business as usual” will not get us there. The BAU approach is now mostly working for the upper end of the market and at significantly lower volumes than we’ve done in the past. So entangled has it become with building codes, regulations, housing taxes and planning ideology that our ability to produce affordable housing is now limited to just talking about it. Doing it is beyond us.

We need “un-usual” approaches. That could include allowing builders and developers to produce ‘low quality’ housing which sails beneath the plethora of green star energy, ESD, disabled access, trunk infrastructure and other standards which have piece by piece made entry level housing needlessly expensive. It also needs new approaches to the funding and design of infrastructure – from road standards to waste water.  Hence it isn’t being done. Instead, even so-called “affordable” housing is billed as “high quality” – with all the trimmings and a price tag to match. The entry level price for a new lowset 3 bed home – the cheapest housing we can now build (forget about apartments for affordability) – is now around $600,000 in many of the outer suburban housing estates.

The median household income in Queensland is now around $100,000. For new housing to be truly affordable for younger families (who may sit below the median income level) you ideally want to aim for product at no more than around 4 times incomes. That means somewhere between $300,000 and $400,000 for a young family that hasn’t yet reached median income levels.

Can this be done?

I believe it can, but it requires such a wholesale change of policy that I wonder if we have the resolve? Apart from the inevitable cacophony of voices from the regulators or industry professionals in design, planning and engineering who will argue that the standards they so vociferously protect are ‘essential’ (they’re not, besides try explaining that to someone living in a tent) – you will then have to wade through the screeching hypocrisy of the media, academic and political class who will decry lower standards for housing when at the same time pleading for more affordable options - all from the safety of their well appointed inner urban enclaves.

But it’s been done before. In post-war United States, tens of thousands of families sought to flee crowded, polluted, crime-ridden inner cities (all pre-gentrification of the urban environment) for a new life in suburbs, liberated by the motor car. Builder-developers Levitt & Sons developed new suburban estates with mass produced housing which was backed by the Federal Government and which offered low-quality (“basic’) housing of under 100m2 area with no garage or other features. It was massively popular with young families and massively derided by urbanists like Lewis Mumford who complained of  “…a multitude of uniform and unidentifiable houses, lined up inflexibly, at uniform distances, on uniform roads, in a treeless communal waste, inhabited by people of the same class, the same income, the same age group, witnessing the same television performances, eating the same tasteless prefabricated foods, from the same freezers, conforming in every respect to a common mold.” Mumford lived in a large home in a semi rural setting and his wife famously drove him everywhere. He was the 1946 equivalent of today’s privileged elitist. Not much has changed has it?

The lesson of the Levitts was that to deliver affordability, business as usual was not the solution. What was a radical approach at the time put tens of thousands of people into housing they could not otherwise afford.

The other lesson is that ‘starter homes’ are by definition just that. There’s no stopping the willingness or proclivity of homeowners wanting to add to and enhance their home over time. Garages were added. Extra rooms added, landscapes added and in time Levittown grew into a mature community as appealing as any other. Rather than build it all in at the start (with the price tag to match) it was added to over time, either through weekend endeavours or when budgets and incomes allowed.

In the midst of a housing crisis the extent of which we haven’t seen in more than a generation, why aren’t we doing something similar now? If we simply set aside the plethora of regulations, design codes and other instruments, how sharply priced could a new starter home really be?

This is unlikely to happen on a region wide basis: the voices of professional dissent would simply be too loud and would drown out the much quieter voices of young homebuyer families on a budget. But it could happen on a pilot project basis. Find me a site of 100 or 200 hectares just outside the urban footprint (so it hasn’t been already bid up due to artificially induced scarcity) and let me have a crack.

How might it look? First, you start scraping back cost layers. Only last year, the previous Queensland Government added $40,000 in costs via new Construction Code standards and a reported sweetheart deal with the Electrical Trades Union. You could start by winding that back. You could also replace upfront infrastructure taxes with a type of local area utility bond to finance essential (but not gold plated) civil infrastructure, repaid over time via the rates bill or similar instrument. There’s another $35,000 or so saved. Then there’s things like allowing large scale off-grid wastewater treatment rather than costly and sequenced connections to the grid. Big savings there. NBN? How about every home instead gets a Starlink deal? Way cheaper. Then there’s the actual dwelling design. No garages, lower ceiling heights, one toilet, basic kitchen. Designs that envisage future additions and renovations but leave this to people in their own good time. It’ll happen.

Sites removed from existing urban connections can be connected by a free but limited bus service, if required, to connect people to social infrastructure or workplaces. Alternatively, fund this as a shared service via the local area utility district mechanism. In reality, most people have cars and cars are much cheaper to afford than housing in established urban areas where public transport options are more widely available. This may offend anti-car urbanistas who think that cycling to work via manicured cycle ways on $10,000 carbon fibre pushies is the way of the future, but for young families looking for starter homes, that’s the reality.  

This isn’t fantasy and is all entirely possible. They’re doing very similar things in third world nations like Nigeria or India. “But we are NOT third world” I hear the indignant urbanists shout. Really? We have people living in tents and young families barely managing to get by given the globally high cost of our housing. Is that the sign of an evolved, advanced economy? Or a sign or policy and market failure?

Business as usual policy settings have failed us. Business as usual will not rescue us. Maybe history can.

Low cost housing in Nigeria. “… a multitude of uniform and unidentifiable houses, lined up inflexibly, at uniform distances, on uniform roads, in a treeless communal waste” is maybe the pill we need to swallow?

Modular, pre-fab, manufactured or built on site. Very basic but also very affordable housing is possible, but will we allow it?

Queensland Housing Commission house, Chermside, 1958.  Have we totally forgotten how to deliver basic entry level affordable housing at scale?

Levittown aerial – as it was in the 1950s. Also provided were community swimming pools, parks and basic recreation areas.


Levittown today. Generations of home improvements and civic investment have made this once entry level starter home development a mature community.


  1. Perfectly put, Ross.

  2. Yep, post war housing in Australia was to a similar standard, now some of the most expensive suburbs.

  3. Brilliant Ross, let's do it.

  4. Try maximising properties to 150sqm and dwellings no more than 130sqm. Get rid of useless unused 6m set backs from 3m verges… there is a whole property of unused space before you get to the house. No one needs more than one bathroom, no one needs a butlers pantry, a media room, a rumpus room nor a formal dining room. Yet, every entry level house on offer has these and multiple bathrooms “because market demands it”. Start there,asking homes energy efficient is not expensive, insulation is cheap. We don’t need these to be 10stars, but we can’t have more people die in increasing heat in there homes.

  5. Such a wonderfully reasonable and practical solution to an issue that has become "everybody else's problem"...You will have upset the $10K carbon fibre MAMILs though

  6. Ross, if you speak to Doug Merritt he can tell you how Peter Kurts Properties built houses in the 70's and 80's that weren't painted on the inside to help keep the costs down as well as other measures. Excellent article

  7. and maybe reduce some of the taxes while we're at it.

  8. Another good post - we need to change what we build, were it is built, how it is built and who owns what - for mine we will build more modular homes, many will be movable and often in backyards and/or under-utilised land and land will be leased from owner/developer - there are great tiny home and even more traditional sized product out there

  9. Great article Ross. It's not just about the built product though, is it? There is also managing the social or market expectation aspect you allude to. If we could successfully collaterally manage expectations of first/early life buyers to not expect/require starting in what their parents worked a lifetime for, it would have a massive impact!

  10. I agree with this as long as savings are made in the right areas.
    In building a budget dwelling I would suggest the following:

    -NO to dishwashers or European appliances. In fact built-in kitchen appliances are almost surplus to requirements, with the availability of so many low cost cooking gadgets such as microwaves, airfryers etc. Even built in cabinetry is probably unnecessary for a kitchen these days. Ikea offers perfectly decent free-standing cabinets. Just make sure there are plenty of power points.
    -NO to expensive finishes. Painted surfaces are the cheapest, and also the easiest to maintain over time.
    -NO to excessively large houses. Just because there is enough land for a TV room, doesn't mean you should have one. A basic covered patio is much better for quality of life.
    -NO to fancy landscaping. People can do that themselves if they wish. Yard trees should be left intact where possible.

    -YES to insulation and ceiling fans (+aircon in some places, heating in others). People have a right to a reasonable level of comfort.
    -YES to good quality design. Once you have the design, it costs the same to build a well designed house as it does a poorly designed one. Design focus should be on durability, resistance to the elements, physical comfort, security, drainage and energy efficiency.
    -YES to street trees. In Australia, lack of trees almost goes hand in hand with dysfunctional neighbourhoods
    -YES to decent public transport
    -YES to services close to homes

  11. Ross some excellent ideas put forward here. I could happily discuss in more detail both the supply and demand sides but not necessary here. I would add another revolutionary idea. Empowering like minded groups to harness their modest capacity to buy a best practice (not starter) home at wholesale costs. This is entirely possible (today and at large scale), because it is best practice it overcomes the pressure for relaxations of current rules and regulations. I am a Yes, And response.

  12. You are spot on here Ross, it has perplexed me how we are in an affordable housing crisis yet we continue with such high standards on housing. I agree some performance measures in a house can be retained but overall if someone has the choice of having a decent roof over their head or not then winding back some mandated standards is a good thing. Plus since when was two hand basins in a bathroom standard - I have never understood why two hand basins are needed when the tap/basin is used perhaps 5-10 times a day for all of about 10 minutes while you brush your teeth, wash your hands etc. 10 minutes total use per day, yet we think we need two hand basins for Her and Him!!!!!!!! Keeping up with the Jones’ is quite hard even if you can afford it.

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